Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Final Takeaway

During the past few weeks I have come to love this class. It makes me sad to know that its over but there are a few assignments that are gonna stick with me for a lifetime. The fear assignment did in fact scare me when I became part of the assignment. Becoming a volunteer is something I never do but I thought it would be okay to do it this time. That is the one major assignment that we did in this short period of time that is gonna stay with me forever. My creativity grew over the past few weeks so much that I cannot fully describe in this simple blog entry.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Altered" Book of the Self

What is your opinion of combining technology and the human body as she did in the video?
I find it somewhat fascinating depending on what kind of technology and what is being used for in the human body. It all depends for me but I mostly don't mind it.

What is your opinion of combining a media arts and science project with your own body?
I wouldn't want to do something like that, maybe appealing more to my senses instead of the body.

How will you change this book?

I plan to physically slice it, cut into it, or rip it apart.

How will this book change you? 
All of my angers and frustrations against this book will hopefully be gone, all the bad memories I had with this book will make it easier for me to let it go. 

Fear Factor Response

1. The fear project was about using other senses and putting your trust in someone. Charles did this fear assignment.
2. I responded so strongly because I was one of the volunteers whose fears were tested. I was scared out of my whits because I had no idea what was going on. I am one of those people who NEVER volunteer for anything because I get so fearful.
3. I have come a long way regardless of what others say about my work I should be proud of it. Even if what I think I created stinks others may not be so quick to judge.


I thought pretty hard but not completely understanding what I would like to do to my cover. I thought about my dog a lot and so I planned to use her image in some way. I spent a wonderful two hours on two different days with my amazing co-worker having lunch. We might as well be best friends because shes so nice, and friendly. It almost feels like I don't deserve her friendship but we sat and had lunch for two days talking about random things. After completing the bliss assignment I was still where I was before on the cover of my book. Using my dog as something creative.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Fear Factor Part 2

I presented what I had for the fear assignment. It wasn't any sort of experiment for the audience it was more of a personal fear that I have about sharing things I create. I got the reaction I expected from the audience as most of them share the same fears with me. There is nothing I would change except I would possibly make the class draw something as many people did which was a good idea because its one of my fears, I don't like sharing things with people.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Fear Factor Part 1

I think the class may find this funny in a few ways and maybe a few people will agree with a part of it.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Class Take Away 8

Time... that was the main focus of today's class. We all went around the room and explained to the class what we did using our senses and time. A few people chose to tune themselves out of the world, making it hard for them to hear anything if something were to happen. We didn't get to personal this class mostly because everyone was exhausted which I think was understandable for some people as we have someone that unfortunately has to work 3rd shift everyday.